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Donation Request Guidelines

At Metro Pet Market Inc, we believe it is important to support our community. We are continually involved in helping animals via local shelters/rescues and through public awareness and education. We donate and sponsor as much as possible to fulfill this commitment; however, please understand that we cannot possibly provide donations and support for each and every request we receive. Before making a donation request, please carefully review the criteria listed below.


Metro Pet Market’s Social Responsibility Program mandates are as follows:



Our focus is helping homeless animals, and we advocate responsible pet acquisition and ownership. In recognition of this mandate, we will support organizations and events that support and contribute to the welfare of animals in our local community.  We typically help registered charities and not-for-profit organizations, but we will sometimes help organizations, businesses and individuals who are raising money on behalf of registered charities. 



Organizations and events that support and contribute to the welfare of animals beyond our local community. Occasionally, consideration will be given to organizations and events that support and   contribute to the welfare of the environment and organizations and  events that support and contribute to the community on a broader scope.


Tell us a little about your business/organization:


Your name _______________________________________________    Alternate Contact ________________________________________


Organization  _____________________________________________    Registered Charity Number  _________________________________


Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________


Phone  _________________________  Alt. Phone  __________________________  email _______________________________________


Website  _________________________________________________   Twitter _________ Facebook _________ Instagram_________ (Y/N)


Do we know you?  Are you or other members of your organization regular customers at Metro Pet Market?____________________________________


Tell us a little about your event


Date, time and venue of event  _______________________________________________________________________________________


Is this a one-time event or a regular event (ie. annual) _______________________________________________________________________


Who/what are you raising money for ___________________________________________________________________________________


How are you planning to raise money (ie. donations, ticket sales, silent auction, etc) ___________________________________________________


How many people are you expecting to attend the event  ______________________________________________________________________


How much money are you expecting to raise and donate ______________________________________________________________________


How are you planning to advertise the event (social media, print or radio, posters, etc)





Tell us what you’re looking for as a donation


Product(s) __________________________________________________________________________________Qty ________________


If approved, what date would you need to pick up your donated articles  ___________________________________________________________


How will this donation be used/presented? (ie. silent auction, prize(s), etc)_________________________________________________________




Aside from the ‘warm fuzzies’, what benefits, advertising and recognition will Metro Pet Market receive?_____________________________________








Additional Notes: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________










For Office Use



Reviewed by: __________  Approved for the following product(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________


Items prepared for pickup by ____________  Date _____________________  for date of pickup of ______________________.  Picked up by _________________________


1637 Victoria Avenue
Regina, SK  Canada
S4P 0P8





3951 Rochdale Blvd.

Regina, SK Canada

S4X 4P7





2054 Prince of Wales Dr.

Regina, SK Canada

S4V 3A6




© 2021 by Metro Pet Market

Monday          CLOSED

Tuesday          11am-6pm

Wednesday    11am-6pm

Thursday*        11am-6pm

Friday            11am-6pm

Saturday         11am-6pm

Sunday**         12pm-4pm


*Prince of Wales location only: 11-8


**Rochdale & Prince of Wales locations only. Victoria location CLOSED


For up-to-date hours surrounding Statutory Holidays please visit our Facebook page**






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